Sunday, June 08, 2008

Kingston Maurward Farm

Auntie Marie why does the pig have ink on it? ...because it lives in a pen!.. giggle xxx
Don't be aLAMAed. he he he xxx
Uh Oh... Ears back... snuffling snotty sound... chewing motion... look of trouble in his eyes-I've seen this on You've Been Framed-RUN!!!
Factor 50 sunblock thanks!
Grandad, Auntie Marie, Daddy and me at KM Farm.(still in factor 50 grrr)
Is the fence to keep them in or us in? Who's looking at who?
Wow cows are bigger than in my book.
Oh stop bleating on. giggle x
"squeek squeek", are you sure this is real Daddy?
Uh Oh AGAIN... Ears back... snuffling snotty sound... chewing motion... look of trouble in his eyes...and that's just Daddy. Giggle xxx

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