Friday, November 30, 2007

Daddy bath time.

Daddy, tell me about swimming in the sea again!
Awh, bath time's over again...just as I was ready to practice swimming the English channel.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My new high chair.

Eh-a Daddy, when I-a order dee finest food-a I expext-a you-a to jump! Capiche.

Doesn't taste like boob to me?

"I'm not sure I like this mummy" so time to give Daddy my big eyes look!

And you eat this stuff Mummy?!?
You lookin' at me?
I like gumming banana but Mummy said I'm too young to eat it yet.(Good it's horrid)

Ewwwwww Daddy, this banana's gone mushy.

Hey daddy did you hear about the Banana gymnast who won a medal?

It got gold for it's banana split. giggle xxx

Right, now no-one is watching time to stuff my face.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

I'm growing quickly.

Daddy change it to Black and White so you can't tell i've been having a dribble day. Don't look at my thumb!

Look at my loooong legs. I think i'll be a dancer...ballerina...modern...jazz...

Did you use to be tap dancer Grandad? "Only until I fell off". Giggle...Silly