Monday, July 30, 2007

Winnie the Pooh

Auntie Sarah your dead comfy.x

Daddy, why am I in a Tigger outfit?

Time for my 'TIGGER' close up eh!

"...the wonderful thing about Tiggers isssss, I'm the only one!", again sing it again daddy.

ROAR...I'm eating Daddy's shoulder(well being sick down it)

Party in the Borough Gardens. We listened to the Crack. Mummy said she tried to book them for the wedding but sadly they were busy. I liked them because they played Bob the Builder.

Daddy took me to the DIY store in my was really interesting(not!)

Mummy is good at shading me from the sun...I had to ask mummy what it was as I've hardly seen it this summer!

Daddy said I'm growing really quickly as I now weigh 4kg (8lb 13oz), but looking at Daddy's pants I hope I don't grow that big!! xxx

Anne & Lauren came to see me today and played tennis on the Wii. I laughed because they looked so silly jumping and swishing round the room.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Holiday of Firsts

Peek a boo Great Nanny...giggle. x

I saw the water train from Lynton to Lynmouth (ps is my best guest house)

Billy goat daddy...lets ruck with it!

I thought bees were supposed to be busy!

My fist time to the Valley of Rocks (from the outside anyway!)


"OWZAT Grandad", made you look made you stare, made you loose your underwear...giggle x

I can see right up your nose Nanny...clear! x

Giggle, giggle, weeeee. (rubbish photo daddy)

"...and then the goat charged followed by the giant bee and we quickly dodged the cricket ball coming straight at us..." said grandad.

I had my first weekend away, 1st meal out, 1st long car journey, 1st goat...bee...1st...mmmm...zzzzzzz. Night night. xxx

Say cheese.

I love smiling now. Mummy was telling me how daft Daddy is!

...shocking, well I never knew mummy was so daft!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

This was the view from my pram when Mummy and Daddy took me to see the sea at Weymouth. Where's the Hoff?

Mummy how pregnant is that lady?

Gwyneth, Maddie and SJP have one of these(they must have copied us!)

du...wop...du...Charleston yeah!

"I've got more hair than you" said Gramps, (...only if you count your nasal hair too!)

On your marks...

...get set...





hmmmm Nonny pulled a funny face after she had a sip, it was like she was licking a lemon.

Can I have some Gramps?

I can copy mummy drinking Champers.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Party in the Park

Went to the park on sunday and listened to a Big Band play old music. I met lots of people and saw adults dancing the cha cha cha.

Very artistic Daddy (pity I look like a nun in a habit).

Guess who's?

Smile after 3...2...1...bawl!!!

No i'm not smiling today.

Oh thats right...just go ahead and take the photo anyway eh!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Grandad Eddie

Grandad Eddie came to see me today, we had a lovely cuddle. xxx

This is my Great Auntie June (granddad's sis) she liked my Pink dress.

I wanted feeding and nearly ate my Great Uncle John.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Scarlett Marie Haigh

Gramps got me this dress and I love it.

I went playing in the gym today because daddy said uncle Dan and auntie Ro bought me my very own oak tree and daddy said I've got to grow strong to be able to climb it (but I want to sit under it and get cuddles from my Uncle Dan xxx.)

Daddy, daddy count my lovely pink toes again.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Aunty Marie and Aunty Ro

This is me, Sunday morning, down the gym.

Do you like my dress auntie Sarah, it's the one you got me and i love it...although I think I've just gone to the toilet in it!


Auntie Marie and Uncle Wayne came to see me today...I slept for most of it!

Mummy and her sis, I had to do a double take when I woke up!

I was after uncle Wayne's chest hair but it was just out of time!

My Auntie Ro came all the way from Australia to see me. She got me a suit with a Koala on it... good on ya cobber. (I want to see Uncle Dan next)

I could see, through the corner of my eye, Gramps putting his tongue out.