Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This is my baby bro or sis!

Do you think there is a family resemblance? (check May 07 post)
Mummy said Baby was rolling around (like me!), with its legs crossed (just like me!), one hand behind the head (me too!!), waving at the camera and making a thumbs up sign (show off, x). I cannot wait to play with you in May. Your big sis Scarlett. xxx
Daddy said he thought he saw testicles but mummy interrupted and laughed...she thought she saw ovaries. One of them is right! Giggle

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas at Nonny & Gramps'

Daddy your legs have shrunk...
peek a boo, giggle xxx
Look a hen, is that one called Bernard?
mmmmmm, I fancy a roast...Bernard where are you!
Nanny and grandad, watch out for the electric fence...
Zzzzzzaaaaaappppp, too late. he he he xx
My very own Oak tree but where are the squirrels?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas grandad, xxx
Nonny's cooking dinner for us all. Yummy. (has she been on the sherry already Daddy? xxx)
...so you see daddy, the vet van brings the sick puppy here, and the nursey makes them better...
Gramps knows what I mean. xxx
mmmmmm chocolate
Mummy, how do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rocket, giggle xxx
Daddy stop being silly and come play. x

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action.

"Where's Scarlett..." This is my first serious acting role. I'm a sheep in "The Bossy King". Baa Baa.

My silly parents. I waved at them, on stage, and they both got all teary! xxx

No Daddy I do not look like a Jedi.

Look Mummy, it's the baby Jesus from the play.

I'll carry my new baby bro or sis to you, just like this. Why have you both gone pale? xxx

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Christmas Cracker 2008

Wow, it's snowing! ...splutter, paft, cough...tastes a bit soapy mummy!?!

Wrapped up snug and warm.

Mummy, Daddy, Nonny & Gramps all took me to see Father Christmas. I saw loads of them! I even got my own floating one. x

Look another one.

I feel all christmassy. xxx