Well today
i've bamboozled mummy and daddy. They haven't a clue if I'm a boy or a girl. My Uncle Dan and
Aunty Ro in Sydney watched over a web cam as mummy tried the old
wedding ring on a string test. I decided to make it orbit in circles...a girl.

Mummy's friend said to sit feet together and read the instep (arch) on her feet! Once
i'd stopped laughing I heard them say
'bump on the left instep is a girl' and
'bump on the right a boy'... Made right foot swell a little (
snigger) and they think
i'm a boy now!!

Brilliant, my parents are loopy. I listened to mummy talking to lots and lots of
people. They say she doesn't look pregnant from the back, only side on, so
i must be a...well at the last count it was: 47% say a boy and 53% say a girl. Adults! stupid or what?

Not another one. This time mummy is using her medical skills and reckons
'a heartbeat above 140 beats per minute means a girl; hearts that beat slower, under 140 beats per minute, means a boy' so i've been practising my yoga (squatting budda position) to chill out and they think i'm a boy! Next time it's pressups and starjumps to fool them. he he he.
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