With my powers of 'super leap' I shall bound over there to my presents.
Go on Mummy, count him out, I've wrestled him to the ground and got him in my famous cuddle grip(once you're in there's no escape!)
Nanny, watch carefully...like this but with
Christmas pud on please.xx
Wow, for me?
Thank you all for my many, many presents. I've gummed them all! xxx
I'm practicing my smouldering look daddy.x
Now I'd like a little gravy, parsnip, potato, turkey, stuffing, carrot, swede, one
brussel and a little cranberry sauce please...pardon?...oh yes, er... the '94 i think...chilled - it's a cheeky little number.
Ho Ho Ho merry
Mummy will
Santa come out to play?
Daddy's a star, giggle.
I love my new coat,
mmmmmmmmmm, snuggle.
OK everyone, time to walk of
Christmas din-dins.
didn't get very far before the adults got silly and started their catalogue poses...I'm doing spy pose.x