Monday, July 23, 2007

Holiday of Firsts

Peek a boo Great Nanny...giggle. x

I saw the water train from Lynton to Lynmouth (ps is my best guest house)

Billy goat daddy...lets ruck with it!

I thought bees were supposed to be busy!

My fist time to the Valley of Rocks (from the outside anyway!)


"OWZAT Grandad", made you look made you stare, made you loose your underwear...giggle x

I can see right up your nose Nanny...clear! x

Giggle, giggle, weeeee. (rubbish photo daddy)

"...and then the goat charged followed by the giant bee and we quickly dodged the cricket ball coming straight at us..." said grandad.

I had my first weekend away, 1st meal out, 1st long car journey, 1st goat...bee...1st...mmmm...zzzzzzz. Night night. xxx

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